III Congreso de Envejecimiento

Jose Manuel Ramírez

Asociación Estatal de Directoras y Gerentes de los Servicios Sociales


President of Asociación Estatal de Directoras y Gerentes de los Servicios Sociales of Spain and of the State Observatory for Dependency.

Doctor from the University of Malaga and Professor for 23 YEARS at the University of Malaga. Social Worker career civil servant for 39 years. Currently Head of the Social Action and Insertion Service in the Territorial Delegation of the Junta de Andalucía in Malaga. Director of the Research and Innovation Plan in Social Services of the Junta de Andalucía Co-director of the Chair of Innovation in Social Services and Dependency of the National University of Distance Education (UNED) Member of the Monitoring Commission of the MACROSAD Chair of R+ D+I for Dependency Prevention at the University of Malaga.

Coordinator and collaborator in 19 research and innovation teams in Social Services and Dependency. Author and/or co-author of 57 books on Social Services, Dependency, Programming, Image and Communication, on social issues. Author and/or co-author of 35 scientific publications and articles in specialized journals of Social Services and Social Work.Autor y/o coautor de 35 publicaciones científicas y artículos en revistas especializadas de Servicios Sociales y Trabajo Social.