III Congreso de Envejecimiento

Irene Joga

Ubikare Zainketak SL

Director of Knowledge Area (Health and Care)

She holds a degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, and in Nursing from the University of the Basque Country EHU/UPV.

She has extensive experience in nursing teaching, management and clinical practice, especially in the field of care for dependent elderly people, both in the public and private sectors. Currently, she coordinates the transdisciplinary team of knowledge and product for the development of health software. On a daily basis, her team seeks a balance between improving care and management processes through technology, without losing focus on two objectives: (1) providing comprehensive care focused on the person and (2) improving health literacy levels throughout the care ecosystem.

In recent years, she has participated in national and international projects such as CAREMATRIX from the European Union, etxeTIC from the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and AZALA with Osakidetza.